Watch My Little Pony: The Movie (1986) full movie online. Synopsis: At Dream Castle, the Little Ponies are preparing a festival to celebrate the first day of Spring. From the Volcano of Gloom, the evil witch Hydia watches the event via her cauldron and, disgusted by the frivolity, tells her daughters that they must ruin […]
Watch My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) full movie online. Synopsis: A dark force threatens Ponyville, and the Mane 6 – Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity – embark on an unforgettable journey beyond Equestria where they meet new friends and exciting challenges on a quest to use the magic of […]
Watch My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games (2015) full movie online. Synopsis: Canterlot High and Crystal Prep Academy compete in a series of exciting events, including archery, motocross and roller skating. Directors: Ishi Rudell, Jayson Thiessen Writer: Josh Haber Stars: Tara Strong, Rebecca Shoichet, Ashleigh Ball More infor: IMDB, Wikipedia.